Payee Lookup


Click the lookup icon next to Payee ID.


Payee Lookup search criteria




Active ?

Optional. Select the Yes, No, or Both options. You may search for payees with any status, but payments cannot be made to inactive payees.


Employee ID

Optional. Enter the unique ID assigned to Employees in the Person table. The value may come from your HR system.

Payment Reason Code

Required. Select a payment reason from the list.


Person First Name

Optional. Enter the first name of the payee as established in Kuali Financials.


Person Last Name

Optional. Enter the last name of the payee as established in Kuali Financials.


Vendor  number

Optional. Enter the Vendor Number as it appears in the Vendor table.

Vendor Name

Optional. Enter the name of the vendor as it appears in the Vendor table.

Vendor Tax Number

Optional. Enter the Tax Number associated with the vendor.



go-arrow-red      For information about lookup, see Field Lookup.


Contact Information Tab