Disbursement Voucher


exclaim       In order for users to submit the Disbursement Voucher document, the ENABLE_BANK_SPECIFICATION_IND parameter must be set to Y and the DEFAULT_BANK_BY_DOCUMENT_TYPE parameter must be completed. Even if your institution is not planning to use the Bank Offset feature in KFS, the DEFAULT_BANK_BY_DOCUMENT_TYPE parameter must be completed if your users plan to use the Disbursement Voucher document. Bank offsets will not be created if the Bank Offset feature has not been configured.


The Disbursement Voucher (DV) document is used to reimburse employees and nonemployees for expenses incurred while conducting university business and to pay other vendors for performing a service, or providing material goods for the university. Most often this payment is in the form of a check although direct deposit and wire transfer options may be available.


The disbursement voucher may be used in situations in which a payment is not processed through another procurement method, such as purchase order or procurement card.


Institutions may have different rules for the processing of payments, but the following are some instances in which a disbursement voucher might be used:

      An employee needs to be reimbursed for the purchases of supplies for a project that were paid for out of personal funds.

      A department wishes to purchase a subscription to an academic journal.

      An honorarium is needed for a guest speaker.

      Research participants need to be compensated for taking part in a scientific study.

      An employee needs to register in advance for a work-related conference.


A disbursement voucher requires more information than most financial documents. Each disbursement voucher must include the following information:

      Who is to be paid (the Payee)

      Why the payee is being paid (the Payment Reason)

      How much the payee is to be paid and how the payment is to be made (the Amount and Payment Method)

      Where any supporting documentation is stored (the Documentation Location)

      Whether any forms or documents need to be physically sent with the payment (the Check Enclosure)

      All information on the Contact tab.


Users must also keep the following points in mind about DVs:

      Some payment reasons, such as travel payments, may require that additional information be entered.

      Payments that are to be disbursed via check or ACH (direct deposit) will be passed to Kuali Financials Pre-Disbursement Processor (PDP) for additional processing and disbursement.

      Because Kuali Financials does not have check writing capabilities, fully approved disbursement vouchers must be passed to an external check-writing program for payment after they are processed in the PDP.



Document Layout

Process Overview
