Edit List of Pre-Asset Tagging Details Tab


This tab displays the asset information specific to each individual item. For example, if the assets ordered were five identical file servers, the information in the previous tab applies to all five. But each server has a unique tag number assigned to it; each has a unique serial number; and each may be placed in a different campus location.


Edit List of Pre Asset Tagging Details tab field definitions



Active Indicator

Select the check box if the pre-asset tag is active. Clear the check box to deactivate the pre-asset tag.

Building Code

Required. Enter the code assigned to the building in which the asset is/will be physically located.

Building Room Number

Required. Enter the building room number in which the asset is/will be physically located.

Building Sub Room Number

Optional. Enter the code created for departmental use. Most departments use this field to enter the cubicle sub-room number.


Required. Enter the code identifying the physical campus in which the asset is/will be physically located.

Government Tag

Optional. Enter the number assigned by a governmental entity to the asset if purchased with federal and/or state funds.

National Stock Number

Optional. Enter the federal identification number assigned to the asset.

Organizational Tag Number

Optional. Enter the number assigned by an organization to internally identify assets, independent of the University or College tagging system.

Pre-tag Tag Create Date

Optional. Enter the date the pre-tagged asset was added to the asset database. The default date is the current date. You may select the date from the calendar.

Serial Number

Optional. Enter the unique identification number assigned by the manufacturer to the asset.

Tag Number

Required. Enter the unique identification number issued by the University and affixed to the asset.


Process Overview