Financials Namespace


Namespace codes are used to identify various pieces of functionality and generally correspond to large functional areas. The namespaces in Kuali Financials base data normally take the form of a Kuali application followed by one of that application's modules. For example Kuali Financials Purchasing /Accounts Payable module would be associated with the namespace KFS-PURAP.


go-arrow-red.gif      The Kuali Financials Parameters, Namespaces, Components and Parameter Types have been separated out from the Rice Namespaces, Components, Parameter Types and Parameters. Financials Namespaces, Components and Parameter Types cannot be edited via the UI and require technical assistance to create or modify. Rice Parameters can be edited via the UI, but any changes made to objects with a KFS namespace are not reflected in the Kuali Financials Parameters, Namespaces, Components or Parameter Types.


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