Document Overview Tab


Unlike the Document Overview tab in other financial documents, a special Fiscal Year field is included in this tab on the Requisition document because, in some circumstances, users may be able to select from more than one fiscal year to which a Requisition should be applied. The tab also includes the Requisition Detail section, which identifies the contract manager and funding source for this requisition.


Document Overview tab field definitions



Account Distribution Method

Required. Payments made against purchase orders funded via proportional account distribution will disencumber accounts proportionally, based on the percentages entered for each line. Payments made against purchase orders funded via the sequential account distribution method will disencumber accounts in the sequence that they are listed, up to the dollar amount specified. Any excess will be funded proportionally, based on the percentages.

Valid value(s) are derived from the DISTRIBUTION_METHOD_FOR_ACCOUNTING_LINES parameter. The possible values for this parameter include:

P – All requisitions will be set to use the proportional account distribution method.

S – All requisitions will be set to use the sequential account distribution method.

P;S – The user will have the option to choose between proportional and sequential. Proportional will be the default value.

S;P – The user will have the option to choose between proportional and sequential. Sequential will be the default value.


Required. Automatically completed based on the initiator's chart/org. This value may be changed manually via the lookup. This value is also the chart/org that is used for the Content Review route level.

Funding Source

Required. Defaults to Institution Account. May be changed by selecting another option from the list.

Payment Request Positive Approval Required

Optional. The DEFAULT POS APPRVL LMT parameter determines the dollar limit where payment requests must receive positive approval from a fiscal officer. If this field is selected, positive approval on the payment request is required regardless of the total of the payment.

pencil-small    The Payment Request Positive Approval Require field is displayed only if the PAYMENT_REQUEST_POSITIVE_APPROVAL_IND parameter is set to Y. This parameter controls whether PREQ positive approval functionality is invoked.

Receiving Required

Optional. Select the check box to ignore the receiving thresholds on the approved purchase order. If the field is checked, then a Line Item Receiving document must be processed with sufficient quantities received before a payment will route to the fiscal officer.

pencil-small    The Receiving Required field is displayed only if the RECEIVING_DOCUMENT_REQUIRED_IND parameter is set to Y. This parameter controls whether receiving required functionality is invoked.

Total Amount

Display-only. Displays the total amount of the requisition after tax and fees.

Use Tax Indicator

Required if the ENABLE SALES TAX IND parameter is set to Y, Otherwise, this field does not display at all. Indicates whether or not sales or use tax applies to the requisition.


Required. The default is the current fiscal year. this field is not editable until the ALLOW ENCUMBER NEXT FY DAYS parameter has been met.

Setting the year to the next fiscal year can affect the requisition in several ways. The requisition may not become an APO if the ALLOW APO NEXT FY DAYS parameter has not been met, and the funds will not be encumbered until the next fiscal year once a PO is fully approved.


Delivery Tab