Delivery Tab


The Delivery tab contains information about where goods ordered on this order should be delivered. It also displays delivery contact information and any special delivery instructions. All fields in this tab come from the purchase order's Delivery tab.


Delivery tab field definitions



Address 1

Display-only: Address line 1 where the goods were delivered.

Address 2

Display-only: Address line 2 where the goods were delivered.


Display-only: The city where the goods were delivered.


Display-only: The country where the goods were delivered.

Date Required

Display-only: The date the delivery was required.

Date Required Reason

Display-only: If a date required was entered the date required reason is displayed here.

Delivery Building Code

Display-only: The building where the goods were delivered.

Delivery Campus

Display-only: The campus code where the goods were delivered.

Delivery Instructions

Display-only: Displays any special delivery instructions for the items.

Delivery To

Display-only: The person to whom the delivery was made.


Display-only: The email address of the delivery-to person.

Phone Number

Display-only: The phone number of the delivery-to person.

Postal Code

Display-only: The postal code where the goods were delivered.


Display-only: The room number where the goods were delivered.


Display-only: The state where the goods were delivered.


Payment Request