Default Procurement Card Holder Information Tab


The information on this tab is not validated and therefore the descriptions may differ for your institution. The table can be updated with the populateProcurementCardDefaultsJob from a file provided by the bank.


The tab will only display when parameter will only display when parameter PROCUREMENT_CARD_HOLDER_DEFAULT_IND Y. Additionally, the procurementCardDocumentJob will use this table to populate cardholder information when it creates Procurement Card documents.


Default Procurement Card Holder Information tab field definitions



Card Cycle Volume Limit

Number of transactions allowed per credit card cycle.

Cardholder Alternate Name

Indicates an alternate name for the card. For example, a department card may have the name of the department, this field identifies a specific person associated with the card.

Card Holder City Name

Cardholder’s city.

Card Holder Work Phone Number

Cardholder’s phone number

Card Holder Postal (ZIP) Code

Cardholder’s postal/zip code.

Card Holder State Code

Cardholder’s state. Two digit field.

Card Status Code

Indicates the status of the code. For example, active, canceled, suspended.

Delivery Address 1 and 2

Address lines to be used to identify the cardholder’s address.

MCC Groups

Merchant Category Code. Identifies MCC codes allowed/restricted on this credit card.

Monthly Spend Limit

Monthly amount that can be spent on this credit card.

Single Transaction Limit

Maximum amount allowed per each transaction.


Procurement Card Default Account Information Tab