Business Rules


For establishing beginning balances:

      From a pre-established list of balance types, actual and close nominal balances are eligible for beginning balances. The balance types are defined in the parameter BALANCE_TYPES_TO_ROLL_FORWARD_FOR_BALANCE_SHEET.

      Object types representing assets, liabilities, and fund balance defined in the Systems Options table are eligible for beginning balances.

      The annual balance amount plus the beginning balance amount that is not zero are eligible.

      If the unit of work qualifies for establishing beginning balances, a beginning balance entry is created in the file, which is accessible from the Batch File lookup staging/gl/originEntry file path and can be loaded into the General Ledger via the General Ledger Correction Process.

For establishing cumulative balances:

      From a pre-established list of balance types, actual and current budget balances are eligible for cumulative beginning balances. The balance types are defined in the parameter BALANCE_TYPES_TO_ROLL_FORWARD_FOR_INCOME_EXPENSE.

      From a pre-established list of fund groups or sub-fund groups, balances related to CG accounts are eligible to be carried forward into the new fiscal year. The sub-funds and fund groups are defined in parameters FUND_GROUPS_FOR_INCEPTION_TO_DATE_REPORTING and SUB_FUND_GROUPS_FOR_INCEPTION_TO_DATE_REPORTING.

      The annual balance amount plus the Contracts & Grants balance amount that is not zero are eligible.

      If the balance qualifies for establishing cumulative balances, a cumulative beginning balance entry is created in the file, which is accessible from the Batch File lookup staging/gl/originEntry file path and can be loaded into the General Ledger via the General Ledger Correction Process.

