Adding New Unordered Item


Line Item Receiving provides the ability for departments to add unordered items to the document which also adds the item to the Purchase Order.


1.  Select Add Unordered Item button.

2.  If parameter UNORDERED_ITEM_WARNING_IND is set to Y, a warning is displayed. Select Yes button to continue. Select No to return to the document without adding a new line item.

3.  Provide details about the item (description and UOM are required), details about the quantity received and the reason for adding the item to the order.

4.  Select Add button.


Once document is submitted, if PO is in a state to be amended, then a Purchase Order Amendment document is created to add the item to the PO and the document is routed to Purchasing Processor to complete the required details about the item. If the PO is not in a state to be amended, then the Line Item Receiving document routes to an Awaiting Purchase Order Open status and the approveLineItemReceivingJob batch job will push the document forward when the PO becomes eligible for an amendment.


go-arrow-red      For information about the approveLineItemReceivingJob, see Batch Processes.

