Accounts Receivable Batch Processes

Users do not interact directly with Kuali Financials batch processes, but some users want to understand how these processes keep the database up to date. For users who are interested, the following table summarizes the functions of the systems Accounts Receivable batch processes. These processes, which are run according to a predetermined schedule, not only keep your database up to date but, in some cases, generate new documents as needed to make certain types of adjustments.


AR Batch Jobs

Job Name



This job clears the Contracts & Grants Error logs. The contractsGrantsInvoiceDocumentJob, Contracts and Grants Invoice manual process and LOC Review process log errors in a file that can be retrieved via the Contracts & Grants Invoice Document Error Log Report.

exclaim   Functions when Contracts & Grants Billing is turned on.


This job creates Contracts & Grants Invoices. Invoices that are set to auto-approve and pass all validation and suspension category checking will route to FINAL. Invoices that are suspended route to the Fund Manager for the Award. Invoices that do not pass validation are not created and are logged in the Contracts & Grants Invoice Document Error Log Report.

exclaim   Functions when Contracts & Grants Billing is turned on.


This is not a production job. It is used in the test environments to create AR Invoices for testing purposes.


This job creates Customer Invoice Write Off documents when the Customer Invoice Writeoff Lookup process is used.


This job creates customer records uploaded from either a CSV or XML file. See Accounts Receivable Upload Functions for more information on the file layouts and uploading files.


This job creates Customer Invoices and routes them to the Invoice Recurrence initiator at specified monthly or quarterly intervals.


This job creates Payment Applications and Cash Controls for Letter of Credit Invoices that are in final status. One Cash Control will be created each time the job runs and a Payment Application will be created for each invoice. The Payment Applications will route to FINAL. The Cash Control will be Enroute.

exclaim   Functions when Contracts & Grants Billing is turned on.


This job creates Cash Controls and Payment Applications each time the job is run. One Cash Control per lock box and one payment application per invoice. If the lock box information and invoice match, then the Payment Application routes to FINAL. If there is a mismatch, the Payment Application is SAVED so that it can be corrected. Cash Controls will be Enroute.


This job notifies users when Milestone Billed = No, the expected completion date is less than or equal to today plus the number of days specified in parameter CHECK_LIMIT_DAYS and Actual Completion date is empty.

exclaim   Functions when Contracts & Grants Billing is turned on.


Accounts Receivable Transaction Documents