Vendor Contracts


The Vendor Contracts option directs the user to the Vendor Contract Lookup. The purpose of this lookup is to allow the users to quickly identify vendor contracts by description, by vendor, and even by payment terms.


Vendor Contract Lookup field definitions



Active Indicator

Select Active contracts (Yes), inactive contracts (No), or both.

B2B Contract

Select the business-to-business contract(Yes or No) from the list.


Select the campus from the Campus list or search for it from the Campus lookup.

Contract Manager


Select the contract manager from the list or search for it from the Contract Manager lookup.

Contract Name

Enter the name assigned to a particular contract.


Enter all or part of the description of the vendor contract.

Payment Terms

Select the payment terms from the list or search for terms from the Payment Terms Type lookup.

PO Cost Source

Select the PO cost source from the list or search for it from the Cost Source lookup.

Shipping Terms

Select the shipping terms from the list or search for terms from the Shipping Payment Terms lookup.

Vendor number

Enter the vendor's identification number.

Vendor Contract Number

Enter the Vendor Contract Number.

Vendor Name

Enter the name of the vendor or search for it from the Vendor lookup.


Vendor Attribute Maintenance Documents