Vendor Address Section


The Vendor Address section lists address information about the vendor for this purchase order.


Vendor Address section field definitions



Address 1

Required. The default address is the PO address defined as the default for the campus. This field is editable.

Address 2

Optional. The default address is the PO address defined as the default for the campus. This field is editable.


Optional. If the attention line on the PO address is present this information will be populated although this field is always editable.


Required. Enter the city associated with this vendor address.


Required. Select a country from the Country list or search for it from the lookup.

Postal Code

Enter the postal code for this address. Postal code may be required under certain circumstances (such as when entering a U.S. address).


Optional. Non-U.S. vendor addresses may include a province. Enter the province here. This field should always be used for Canadian vendors.


Required. Select the state from the State list or search for it from the lookup. State may be required under certain circumstances (such as when entering a U.S. address).


Required and Display-only. The vendor's name is automatically updated from the Vendor record.

Vendor number

Display-only. The system generated identifying number assigned to this vendor.



Vendor Info Section