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Labor Ledger Pending Entry Lookup Results field definitions

Column Title


Account Number

The account from which the employee is compensated

Balance Type Code

A code which distinguishes one type of balance from another. Options are:

AC: Actual
A2: A21 Balances
IE: Intended Encumbrances

Chart Code

The Chart of Accounts code for the account from which the employee is compensated


A code to identify a sub-division of the organization to segregate physical or logical operations for payroll purposes

Document Number

The document number generated by the system

Earn Code

The identifier for the type of earnings (for example, regular, vacation, overtime)

Employee ID

The employee ID defined in the institutional HR/payroll system

Employee Record

The employee record number associated with the employee ID number in the institutional HR/payroll system. This value is a sequential counter to differentiate between employee's jobs.

Financial System Document Type Code

The document type code used for this transaction

Fiscal Period

The fiscal period associated with this entry in the Labor Ledger

Fiscal Year


The fiscal year associated with this entry in the Labor Ledger


The compensation plan increments for different responsibilities or impact levels of organization jobs

Object Code

The object code for the account from which the employee is compensated

Object Type Code

The object type code for the object code from which the employee is compensated

Organization Document Number

The document number referenced by the organization which generated the transaction

Organization Reference ID

The reference ID referenced by the organization which generated the transaction

Origin Code

The code which identifies the source of transaction

Original Account Number

If this is an error correction, the original account assigned to the transaction

Original Chart Code

If this is an error correction, the Chart of Accounts code assigned to the transaction

Original Object Code

If this is an error correction, the original object code assigned to the transaction

Original Sub-Account Number

If this is an error correction, the Sub-Account Code assigned to the transaction

Original Sub-Object Code

If this is an error correction, the Sub-Object Code assigned to the transaction

Pay Group

The pay group code to identify the sets of employees for payroll processing. For example, separate pay groups are created to differentiate exempt from non-exempt employees.

Pay Period End Date

The last day of the pay period in which the employee was compensated

Payroll End Date Fiscal Period

The fiscal period code which corresponds to the pay period

Payroll End Date Fiscal Year

The fiscal year for the payroll end date

Position Number

The position number or ID defined in the institutional HR/Payroll system

Project Code

The project code for the account from which the employee is compensated

Reference Document Number

The document number of the source system

Reference Origin Code

The origination code used in the source system

Reference Document Type Code

The document type code used in the source system

Run Identifier

The reference number assigned to each pay period's payroll process for one or more pay groups

Salary Administration Plan

The code to assign default compensation packages to workers at the location, job code, or worker level. For example, the values might indicate 10-month academic, 12-month academic, regular 12-month salary, etc.

Set ID

The code to group a set of payroll rules together

Sub-Account Number

The sub-account for the account from which the employee is compensated

Sub-Object Code

The sub-object code for the account from which the employee is compensated

Transaction Date

The date the transaction was created

Transaction Date Time Stamp

The time the transaction was created

Transaction Debit Credit Code

The debit or credit indicator for the transaction amount

Transaction Encumbrance Update Code

A code to indicate whether the encumbrance is to be updated based on this transaction

Transaction Entry Offset Code

A code to identify the type of offset transaction to be generated in the General Ledger

Transaction Entry Processed Timestamp

The date and time that the transaction was processed

Transaction Ledger Entry Amount

The transaction amount

Transaction Ledger Entry Description

The description for the transaction

Transaction Ledger Entry Sequence Number

The sequence number for the transaction assigned by the system

Transaction Posting Date

The date that transaction was posted

Transaction Total Hours

The number of labor hours included in the pay period earnings dollar value


Position Inquiry