Search Results


The inquiry results include all details about the employee plus the monthly salary expenditure total.


Labor Ledger View Results field definitions

Column Title


Account Line Annual Balance Amount

The total of all months listed in the Labor Ledger balance fields

Account Number

The account number for the salary expense.

Beginning Balance Line Amount

Currently not in use by the Kuali Financials.

Balance Type Code

A code which distinguishes one type of balance from another. Options are:

AC: Actual
ACandA2: A21 balances and AC balances combined
IE: Intended encumbrances

Chart Code

The chart code for the salary expense.

Contracts Grants Beginning Balance Amount

The rolling total of all expense since any Contracts & Grants account (for which the individual has performed any activity) began

Employee Name

The name of the employee who currently occupies this position (employee)

July - June

The total of amounts shown in the July through June columns

Object Code

The object code for the salary expense.

Object Type Code

An attribute of object code that is used to identify its general use, such as income, asset, expense, or liability

Position Number

A number that identifies the position or positions to which the employee is assigned

Sub-Account Number

The sub-account number for the salary expense, if any.

Sub-Object Code

The sub-object code for the salary expense, if any.

Year End

The total of any adjustments made during year end closing


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