Recall a Document

The document process allows the initiator of a document to take a special recall action to return or cancel a document they submitted as long as it has not been acted upon by any other user.

1.  This action is only available for documents which are capable of being disapproved. Document types that do not route cannot be recalled.

2.  This feature is available only on Financial Processing (FP) documents and while there is a permission that controls the display of this button, it will not work for other modules due to various limitations.

3.  The permission needs to be assigned to role 60 (initiator).

4.  To recall a document, initiator opens document and selects Recall button.

      When prompted Recall to Action List or Recall and Cancel document enter reason for recalling the document and

Click Recall to Action List button to send the document to the initiators action list. Document status will be set to Saved.

Click Recall and Cancel button to cancel the document. Document status will be set to Recalled.



Using the Action List