Putting a Payment Request on Hold


An AP user or an approver who receives a payment request for approval may choose to put the payment request on hold or remove a hold from the payment request.


To place a payment request on hold, you must attach a note to the document explaining the reason it has been put on hold. The payment request Hold indicator is set to Yes. The document's status does not change.


The hold flag prevents a payment request from being extracted and paid. A payment request may be put on hold any time between submit and the time it is extracted to the Pre-Disbursement Processor. When a document is taken off hold, it retains the status it had when the hold flag was turned on.


1.  Click the Hold button.

2.  In the field displayed, enter a reason for putting the payment on hold.

3.  Click Yes button to put the payment request on hold.

4.  The payment request is held and a large header appears at the document indicating who placed the order on hold.


Removing a Hold from the Payment Request