Lookup Criteria


Milestone Report field definitions




Select whether you wish to view active, inactive or all milestones.

Award Account Number

Enter the ID number for the account associated with the award that the milestone belongs to or use the lookup to find it.

Award Chart Code

Enter the chart code for the account associated with the award that the milestone belongs to or use the lookup to find it.


Select whether you wish to view billed, unbilled or all milestones.

Estimated Completion Date From

To search for milestones with an estimated completion date during a particular period of time, enter the first date in the desired range of dates. You may also use the calendar tool to select the date.

Estimated Completion Date To

To search for milestones with an estimated completion date during a particular period of time, enter the last date in the desired range of dates. You may also use the calendar tool to select the date.

Proposal Number

Enter the proposal number associated with the milestone or use the lookup to find it.


Click Search button to display the search results on the screen.


Click Generate Print File button to generate a pdf file for the Milestone Report.


