Lookup Criteria


Account Status (Base Funding) Balance Inquiry Screen



Account Number

Required. Enter the account number or search for it from the Account Number lookup icon.

Chart Code

Required. Enter the chart code or search for it from the Chart lookup icon.

Consolidation Option

Select from these options:

Consolidation: Aggregate the amounts by fiscal year, chart and account number

Detail: Aggregate the amounts by fiscal year, chart and account number, sub-account number, object code, and sub-object code

Fiscal Year

Required. Enter the fiscal year or search for it from the Fiscal Year lookup icon.

Object Code

Optional. Enter the object code or search for it from the Object lookup icon.

Sub-Account Number

Optional. Enter the sub-account number or search for it from the Sub-Account lookup icon.

Sub-Object Code

Optional. Enter the sub-object code number or search for it from the Sub-Object lookup icon.


Search Results