Lookup Criteria


Contracts & Grants Aging Report field definitions



Account Chart Code

Required if Account report option is selected. Enter the chart code associated with the award or use the lookup to find it.

Account Number

Required if Account report option is selected. Enter the account number associated with the award or use the lookup to find it.

Award Document Number

A number outside the system that is assigned to the Award.

Award End Date From

To search for awards with an end date during a particular period of time, enter the first date in the desired range of dates. You may also use the calendar tool to select the date.

Award End Date To

To search for awards with an end date during a particular period of time, enter the last date in the desired range of dates. You may also use the calendar tool to select the date.

CG Account Responsibility ID

Select the Contracts & Grants Processor associated with the Account.

Collector Principal Name

Enter the name of the AR Collector associated with the customer or use the lookup to find it.

Customer Number

Enter the customer number associated with the invoices or use the lookup to find it.

Fund Manager Principal Name

Enter the name of the Fund Manager associated with the award or use the lookup to find it.

Invoice Amount From

To search for invoices with an invoice amount falling into a certain dollar range, enter the lowest amount in the desired range.

Invoice Amount To

To search for invoices with an invoice amount falling into a certain dollar range, enter the highest amount in the desired range.

Invoice Due Date From

To search for invoices with a due date during a particular period of time, enter the first date in the desired range of dates. You may also use the calendar tool to select the date.

Invoice Due Date To

To search for invoices with a due date during a particular period of time, enter the last date in the desired range of dates. You may also use the calendar tool to select the date.

Invoices Marked as Final

Select from the list based on whether you wish to view only invoices marked as final, invoices not marked as final or both.

Organization Invoice Number

The number uniquely assigned to this invoice record as it exists in the billing organization's accounting system.

Processing/Billing Chart Code

Required if Processing Organization or Billing Organization report option is selected. Enter the chart code for the invoices or use the lookup to find it.

Processing/Billing Organization Code

Required if Processing Organization or Billing Organization report option is selected. Enter the organization code for the invoices or use the lookup to find it.

Proposal Number

Enter the proposal number associated with the invoices or use the lookup to find it.

Report Option

Required. Choose whether to generate the report for a processing organization, a billing organization, or an account.

Report Run Date

Required. Invoices created through this date are included in the report.


Click Search button to display the search results on the screen.


Click Generate Print File button to generate a pdf file for the Contracts & Grants Aging Report.

