Labor Enterprise Feed Reconciliation Flat File Format


go-arrow-red      For information on procedures that apply to all Financials batch uploads, see Batch Upload Basics.


      When using the Labor Enterprise Batch Feed upload, you must submit a reconciliation (recon) file along with the entry file. This file verifies the count of records and the dollar amount of your entry file. If these files do not reconcile, Financials will not process the file and will generate an error message on the Enterprise Feed report.

      The file will contain three types of rows as detailed below. Each element of each row must be separated by a single space and each row ends with a semi-colon.

      A c row identifying the table being impacted (gl_entry_t or ld_ldgr_entr_t) and the row count of the data file. For example: c gl_entry_t  2 or c ld_ldgr_entr_t  2;

      An S row identifying the field where the dollar amount is found (trn_ldgr_entr_amt) and the dollar amount of the data file. For example: s trn_ldgr_entr_amt 27680.00;

      An e row identifying the number of c and s rows found in the reconciliation file (always 2). For example: e 02;

      So an entire reconciliation made up of these rows would contain the following:

c ld_ldgr_entr_t   2;

s trn_ldgr_entr_amt   27680.00;

e 02;


Pre-Disbursement Processor