Instructions for Performing Activities


Buttons on the Electronic Invoice Reject document




Signifies that the document represents a valid business transaction in accordance with institutional needs and policies in the user's judgment. Upon approval, validation will proceed. If there are no additional validation warnings, the document becomes final and generates a payment request document.


The system prompts you to save the document. On a no response, the system discards any changes from the last save and returns you to the Dashboard.


Signifies that the document does not represent a valid business transaction in the user's judgment. A disapproved EIRT document does not generate a payment request document.


The system resets values to what they were at the time of the last save and updates the status, if it has changed.


Sets the Research Indicator to Yes. The document cannot be approved if the Research Indicator is Yes.


The system edits and saves the document and leaves it open in edit mode with a message indicating that it was saved. The document remains in the user's Workflow inbox.

Send ad hoc request

Routes the document to specified users on an ad hoc basis.

