Groups Section


Groups section field definitions



Active From Date

Optional. If this user's assignment to this group is to be effective as of a certain date, enter that date here.

Active To Date

Optional. If this user's assignment to this group is to terminate as of a certain date, enter that date here.

pencil-small    There is no way to delete a person's assignment to a group. To remove a person from a group, use this field to specify a date in the past.


Optional. Enter the ID of the KIM group you want to assign this person to. You can also use the Group lookup icon to search for and select a valid value. Returning a value will populate the Namespace Code, Name and Type fields.


Optional. Enter the Name of the Group you want to assign the person to. You can also look up groups by Name. Returning a value will populate the Group, Namespace Code and Type fields.

Namespace Code

Optional. Enter the Namespace Code of the Group you want to assign the person to. You can also look up groups by Namespace Code. Returning a value will populate the Group, Name and Type fields.


Optional. Enter the Type of Group you want to assign the person to. This field will be populated when Group, Namespace Code or Name are returned from the Lookup.



Roles Section