
After you perform a search, when the system displays a link or icon in the list of retrieved data, you can drill down into (that is, display) details for any of the linked items. Standard drilldown features in the include the following.

      Document ID drilldown: Clicking the Document ID link retrieves the specified document so you can view or edit it.

      User drilldown: Clicking a linked user ID takes you to a Person Inquiry.

      Route log lookup: Clicking the Route Log icon icon-route-logtakes you to Kuali Financials Route Log for the document in this row. The Route Log contains two tabs summarizing routing activities. The Action Taken tab logs prior events and the Pending Action Requests tab logs known future events, from which you can see current Workflow action requests.

go-arrow-red     For more information about the Route Log, see Route Log .


Standard Tabs