Document Layout


The Equipment Loan/Return document includes the Asset, Equipment Loans, Borrower's Address, Asset Location, Organization, Processed Payment, Payments Lookup tabs as well as the standard Document Overview, Notes and Attachments, Ad Hoc Recipients, and Route Log tabs.


      For more information about the standard tabs, see Standard Tabs.


The Asset tab presents a static (inquiry-only) display as do the Asset Location, Organization, Processed Payment, and Payments Lookup tabs.


go-arrow-red      Information about most of these tabs is similar to that of tabs on other assets documents. For information about the Asset Location, Organization, Processed Payment, and Payments Lookup tabs, see those tabs under Edit Asset. For information about the Borrower's Address tab, see Borrower's Address Tab.


If more than ten payments exist for the asset, the user may view all payments via the Asset Payment Lookup.


go-arrow-red      For more information about the Lookup, see Asset Payment Lookup.



Asset Tab

Equipment Loans Tab

Borrower's Address Tab