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Generating and transmitting Contracts & Grants Invoice is completed from the Transmit Contracts & Grants Invoices Lookup.

Transmit Contracts & Grants Invoices Lookup search field definitions



Chart Code

Use to search for invoices with a specific chart code. Normally used in conjunction with organization code. Enter a chart code or use the lookup to find one.

Document Number

Used to search for a specific invoice number.

Invoice Amount

Used to search for invoices by amount.

Invoice Initiator Principal Name

Used to search for invoices initiated by a specific user. Enter a user’s principal name or use the lookup to find one.

Method of Invoice Transmission

Required. Select which method of invoice transmission you wish to generate invoices for, through email or through mail.

Organization Code

Use to search for invoices with a specific organization code. Enter an organization code or use the lookup to find one.

Print Invoices From

To search for invoices created after a specific date. Enter a date in the format mm/dd/yyyy or use the calendar tool to select the date.

Print Invoices To

To search for invoices created before a specific date. Enter a date in the format mm/dd/yyyy or use the calendar tool to select the date.

Proposal Number

Used to search for invoices assigned to a specific proposal number. Enter a proposal number or use the lookup to find one.

pencil-small    When Kuali Financials is not integrated with Kuali Research, the Proposal and Award will be the same number.


After entering search criteria, click the Search button. The system displays the invoices that will be generated for the Method of Invoice Transmission selected.


Click the Transmit / Generate Print File button to create the invoices. If Through Email is selected, the invoices will be sent electronically to customer addresses with the method of invoice transmission set to through email on the Contracts & Grants Invoice Transmission tab. If Through Mail is selected, the pdf invoices and envelopes will be created for the customer addresses with the method of invoice transmission set to through mail on the Contracts & Grants Invoice Transmission tab. The number of invoices and envelopes to create is specified in the Addresses tab on the Customer document.



Accounts Receivable Custom Document Searches