Delegates for Model Tab


Delegates for Model tab field definitions



Account Delegate Primary Route

Optional. Select the check box if it is a primary delegate. Clear the check box, if it is a secondary delegate.

Account Delegate Start Date

Required. Enter the date on which the delegation starts, or select it from the calendar tool.

Account Delegate User ID

Required. Enter the User ID for the delegate, or search for it from User lookup icon.


Optional. Select the check box if this model is active. Clear it if it is inactive.

Approval From This Amount

Optional. Enter the minimum range of the dollar amount for which this delegation is authorized. For example, if a delegate is established with a From amount of 1,000 then a transaction for 500 is not eligible for the delegates action. Note that not all Kuali Financials documents have a dollar amount associated with them. The value of zero means that you do not have the minimum range defined for this delegation.

pencil-small    Not all Kuali Financials documents have a dollar amount associated with them.

Approval To This Amount

Optional. Enter the maximum range of the dollar amount for which this delegation is applied to. For example, if a delegate is established with a To amount of 1,000 a transaction for 1,500 is not eligible for the delegates action. The value of 0 means that you do not have the maximum range defined for this delegation.

pencil-small    Not all Kuali Financials documents have a dollar amount associated with them.

Document Type Code

Required. Enter the document type code for this delegation or search for it from the Document Type Code lookup icon.

lightbolb-smallEnter KFS to establish delegation for all document types that route to the Account level.

