Configuring Non-Production Email Notifications


The following parameters can be used to determine how email notifications should behave in non-production environments. Email notifications can either be sent to a support email, logged or sent as if the environment was production.


Non-Production Email Notification Parameters

Parameter Name

Parameter Description


The from address for emails sent from the system for messages that do not have a specific address identified.


The to address for emails sent from the system for messages that do not have specific recipients.


The mode used for sending email in non-production environments.  L - Log the email but do not send.  T - Send the email to the non-production email address (NON_PRODUCTION_TO_EMAIL_ADDRESS).  P - Send the email as if it were production.

pencil-small.gif    When this parameter is set to L, the body of the email will be included in the log.


The to address for all emails sent from the system if the system is not production and the NON_PRODUCTION_EMAIL_MODE is set to T.



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