Business Rules

      If the Reports to Chart Code value is not the highest chart level, the reports to object code, fiscal year, and chart code combination must exist in the Object Code Table.

      If the Object Code belongs to the highest level chart, it must report to itself.

      If a Next Year Object Code value is entered, then the current fiscal year, chart code, and next year object code combination must exist in the Object Code Table.

      If base budget exists in the current year for this object code, the object code cannot be inactivated until the base budget is removed.

lightbolb-small Institutional Reporting: Kuali Financials provides for various fields available for institutional reporting. You can, for example, define a top level chart that consolidates activity for reporting purpose. After the top level chart is defined, the Statement of Net Assets and Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Assets can be designed, using Reports To chart and object code and the sub-totals by the object code levels and consolidations on the top chart. Or, you may design responsibility center reports using the organization roll-up of accounts. For more information about the capabilities of the organization within the Chart of Accounts, refer to Organization and Organization Type.

