Business Rules

      The user must be a KFS-SYS Asset Manager, KFS-SYS Asset Processor, or KFS Plant Fund accountant to use the Asset Acquisition Type of New.

      The Asset Acquisition Type defined in parameter NEW_ACQUISITION_CODE allows the asset to be added to the database without creating ledger entries.

      Asset Acquisition types defined in parameters of FABRICATED_ACQUISITION_CODE and NON_NEW_ACQUISITION_CODES cannot be used on the Asset Global document. Pre asset tagging is system assigned when the addition document is generated by CAB and the line has a Pre-Asset Tagging record.

      All other asset acquisition types may be used by all users.

      To create a capital asset, the total cost must be equal to or greater than the capitalization threshold defined with parameter CAPITALIZATION_LIMIT_AMOUNT unless the user is a KFS-SYS Asset Manager, KFS-SYS Asset Processor, or KFS-SYS Plant Fund Accountant. These users may create capital assets below the capitalization threshold. To create a non-capital asset, the total cost must be less than the capitalization threshold.

      None of the retirement asset status codes defined in parameter RETIRED_STATUS_CODES may be used on Asset Global.

      Only Asset Status Codes defined in parameter CAPITAL_ASSET_STATUS_CODES can be used with Object Sub-Types defined in parameter CAPITAL_OBJECT_SUB_TYPES.


Location Tab

      For capital assets the building code is the building in which the asset is located. The asset category identified by the asset type determines whether a building code, room number or off-campus information is required. For this reason the asset type must be specified before the building and room number are entered.

      For non-capital assets a building code or room number is not required. For this reason asset status must be entered before the building code, or room number is entered. If these values are entered non-capital assets, they must be valid.

      Any asset type code with the Moving Indicator checked requires a valid campus, building code and room number combination, or an off-campus address.

      Any asset type code with the Required Building Indicator checked requires a building code.

      Any asset type code with both Moving Indicator and Required Building Indicator unchecked require a campus code but no building or room number.

